Is a branch dedicated to healthy marriages and families. Suhbah’s Strong Couples MARRAIGE PREP offers a certified Islamic Pre-Marital Training curriculum and Marital Enrichment courses in Houston, TX to train couples with the skills and education to have a healthy, strong, sustainable marriage. Suhbah also offers Conversations – an online singles discussion based program to help like minded individuals find a suitable match.
Is a branch dedicated to offering classes and halaqas locally (and online) about various needed topics. BOOST Young Professionals circle, REFLECT Quran Contemplation Circles, The Empowered Muslim Woman, and Couples Night Out marital enrichment events are just some of the classes Suhbah offers in collaboration with experts in their fields, for free, around Houston, TX that allows like-minded individuals to find fellowship through gathering and learning. Check out the videos of past classes here or on Suhbah’s FB and IG.
Is a branch dedicated to nurturing and cultivating individuals. Suhbah’s counselors, Mahad and Safiya, are a part of the stepping stones of the UH & TAMU MSA Chaplaincy Program, and will serve as the inaugural chaplains of the University of Houston’s Muslim Student Association. Suhbah also offers individual and couples counseling for young couples and newlyweds. The Suhbah Seminary is a concentrated endeavor under this branch for serious learners and students.
Suhbah Seminary offers onsite and online, part time and full time, adult seminary courses for learning Quranic Arabic, Tafseer and islamic Studies in Houston, TX at the Suhbah Center and online. Suhbah Seminary aims to inspire growth and learning to nurture well-rounded Muslims, grounded in foundational Islamic knowledge, aware of the ever changing dynamics of our modern world, who can serve and teach in their local communities in the position of instructors, halaqa leaders, youth group leaders, community activists, mentors, and more.